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🅻🆄🅶🅸🅽 🆄 🅳 🆃🅴 ☞ Minor update ☞ Use .restart an | Catuserbot


☞ Minor update
☞ Use .restart and then .update
☞ Version : 2.10.5
Catuserbot Version : 2.10.5 (minor update)

Restart to update bot (.restart)
Minute bug fixes are done
Gdrive upload for links is fixed
Added new type of lock (.plock) to restrict only that user {Check .info locks}
Added new type of unlock (.punlock) to unrestrict only that user (you cant unlock only for that user if group is locked with that permission)
Added .uperm command to get permissions of that user(removed adminperm because it is merged with uperm)
.del var is fixed
Update command is added back (as of now .update will update the bot)
Mega is fixed
.end autobio is fixed
☞ Use .restart and then .update
☞ Check @catplugins for extra plugins
Source code : goodcat , heroku deploy repo , badcat
☞ Signing off @Mrconfused

Cᴀтusᴇʀʙoт « @catuserbot17 »