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The Strategy for Eurasia This editorial is based on “The Sail | UPSC, SSC & State PCs - Free Online Classes & Quizzes

The Strategy for Eurasia

This editorial is based on “The Sail That Indian Diplomacy, Statecraft Need” which was published in The Hindu on 11/01/2022. It talks about the recent geopolitical shifts going on in Central Asia and Eurasia and what diplomatic strategy India needs.

For Prelims: Eurasia, Central Asia, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO.

For Mains: Securing India’s continental and maritime interests in Central Asia and Europe, Recent geopolitical developments in Eurasia, China’s increasing influence in Eurasia, Russian centrality in the Eurasian geopolitics.

The year 2021 was an annus horribilis on account of the Iran nuclear imbroglio, rising oil and gas prices, sputtering crises in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan following a United States (US) withdrawal of troops. All these developments are of high concern for India’s

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