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Sai Inspires Sep 1, 2022      What is the significance of Omka | Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sai Inspires Sep 1, 2022   
What is the significance of Omkara? Bhagawan reminds us today so that we may benefit from its recitation!

For all the mantras, the primary mantra which enshrines the attributeless, Omniself, is the Omkara. Although there are many letters and words, the fundamental aksharam (letter), which has primacy of place, is Omkara. Om ith-yeka-aksharam-Brahma - the single syllable Om is Brahman Itself, says the Gita. All other letters and words are linguistic creations. They do not possess the unique sacredness and divine character of 'Om’. The special significance of 'Om' is not generally recognised or understood. Mantra Shastra (ancient scriptures on sacred formulas) has laid emphasis on the letter 'Om’. Omkara has no form. It is the manifestation of Brahman as sound. It is present in all creation. It is effulgent. It is in all speech. It is ever blissful. It is Paratparamayi (Embodiment of Supreme), it is Mayamayi (Repository of Illusory Power), it is Shreemayi (Embodiment of Prosperity). 

- Divine Discourse, Oct 01, 1984.