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TD Carol Nolan questioning the Minister for Housing Darragh O' | Late Stage Ireland

TD Carol Nolan questioning the Minister for Housing Darragh O'Brien on whether the "government has conducted any assessment on the State's capacity to deliver housing to its own citizens in light of the enormous rise of inward immigration, international protection and asylum applications."

The numbers arriving she quoted as being at the rate of 1,500 every month.

International protection and asylum applications are two ways of saying the same thing so I'm not sure why she said both. Her figure of 1,500 suggests she was only talking about non-Ukrainians but she needed to clarify that. When Darragh O'Brien responded, he made it all about Ukraine and castigated her for not feeling empathy for those "fleeing war". She didn't correct him.

O'Brien has previously stated 40% of the people presenting as homeless every month are immigrants from all over the world not seeking asylum. Why not bring that up? How is that sustainable? What's he doing about it?

Why not bring up the countries of origin for all the non-Ukrainian asylum seekers in the system. The Tánaiste Leo Varadkar has acknowledged at least that Georgian and Albanians are responsible for making large numbers of spurious asylum applications yet they're still two of the top groups arriving here.

Why not bring up the fact that 95% of Nigerians arriving over the last 25 years failed their asylum applications but are seldom deported? They keep arriving.

Nolan referenced an Irish Times report which attributed the rise in non-Ukrainian asylum seekers in part to the UK's Rwanda policy according to "senior sources in Government".

This is convenient as it ignores other pull factors attracting fake refugees to Ireland:

• Minister Roderic O'Gorman's guarantee of their own home within four months of arrival regardless of the merit of their claims.

• Minister Helen McEntee's current blanket amnesty for all fake asylum seekers and in the system over two years (usually they have to wait five — bless) on top of the amnesty for illegals.

Why not bring those up?

Why not bring up the fact that there has been an increase in asylum seekers climbing off trucks in Rosslare harbour after travelling here from France. Why aren't they being sent back to France under the Dublin Agreement immediately?

Nolan made some okay points here but she padded her question with too much mush and missed an opportunity. Still worth watching: