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Liveline continued the discussion on transgenderism yesterday. | Late Stage Ireland

Liveline continued the discussion on transgenderism yesterday. You can listen back to the full show here (skip to 2:50). Worth reading the comments under the hashtag #liveline while you're listening.

First up was Brian whose lesbian teenage daughter was called transphobic and bigoted for turning down the advances of translesbian. Brian was matched-up in a debate against the "gender-fluid non-binary" Catriona whom he was well prepared to handle.

Brian said sex is not assigned at birth, it's observed and accused Catriona of scientific illiteracy for claiming sex is a spectrum. He blamed the rise in transgender youth on "social contagion" while Catriona argued it was just liberalism enabling people to be who they always were.

Duffy let him speak without haranguing him just like he did for the callers on last week's show.

That they invited him on at all is revealing as often if RTÉ facilitate a debate on a tricky subject, they'll try to only invite on people who badly represent the side they oppose.

During the lockdown, for example, they invited some sort of cult member who was opposed to taking the covid19 vaccines on Satanic grounds which enabled RTÉ to have their 'vaccine debate' while suggesting to listeners that vaccine sceptics were just fringe crackpots. Duffy is in his element with those types of shows and got rewarded with a triumphant write-up in the media for that one.

RTÉ's research staff heavily screen any member of the public they invite on for narrative control so inviting Brian on was deliberate. They knew he was articulate and well capable of defending himself and that his arguments would be cushioned by being the single father a lesbian daughter.

Like I said last week, Duffy's production team must be on board questioning issues around transgenderism, and they've been given the all clear from the higher-ups.

At one point, in response to criticism he received for the last show from trans activists, Duffy even stated that "the powers that be at RTÉ have not told anyone to stop this discussion". That means there are discussions they do tell presenters not to have, but not this one.

After the segment with Brian, a college lecturer came on who went into great detail about why "gender identity theory" is like a new State religion. It was probably the best segment. She said being forced to accept that a man can turn into a woman was no different being forced to accept that the Eucharist is the body & blood of Christ.

"There's a requirement for faith in gender identity theory which cannot be empirically proven."

She said people with other perspectives on transgenderism should be listened to without being accused of blasphemy and that people questioning transgender dogma are being treated like heretics and are scared to speak up.

Just to demonstrate the rupture this has all caused, after Thursday's show, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties tweeted out that it had been incredibly irresponsible for RTÉ to broadcast it.

Ordinarily RTÉ and the ICCL are two components of the same organism with a shared agenda, but this has put them at loggerheads with Duffy calling the ICCL's remarks disturbing and insulting to the staff and listeners. He also said he was unable to get a response from the ICCL when he tried to contact them.

That means they're unsure how to proceed. They didn't tweet anything about today's show and stuck to just retweeting remarks by a new transgender focused NGO at their launch meeting.

The government are getting ready to implement hate speech laws which would make a lot of the statements made throughout the show illegal to broadcast. They have LGBT strategies which treats sexuality and gender identity in the same bracket. That puts them in a bind if this trans opposition keeps brewing.

One of the regime's hall monitors used my last post to try to warn them that facilitating these debates is damaging them. He was ratioed but he's right, but what was damaging is that they all rowed in behind transgenderism, no questions asked in the first place.