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Is This How You Meditate? Real Meditation will be tricky, dir | Human resources india

Is This How You Meditate?

Real Meditation will be tricky, dirty, and quite hurtful. It involves seeing things for what they really are. It involves acknowledging your own face. Real Meditation is showing a mirror to yourself.

False meditation, of the kind that is very popular, is all about putting up the most artificial, the most made-up, and the holiest face possible.

Look at people when they are meditating. Is that them? Seriously? Look at people when they are strutting around with their yoga mats, and sitting in this Aasan (yogic posture) or that Aasan. Is that them?

(Sarcastically) Returning from his yoga class, he seriously relishes a piece of chicken leg. In fact, the chicken feels even more delicious after the yoga class. Having meditated, he immediately sets off for his shop. And, he’s a champion black-marketer. And, meditation helps him in staying calm and quiet while he’s fleecing the entire world. What kind of meditation is this? This is meditation just to sustain the ego, right?

Real Meditation is dangerous. Therefore, real Meditation is neither practiced nor taught. And obviously, it cannot sell. Real Meditation is a daylong, lifelong activity. It’s a love affair.

You cannot be a lover one hour a day, or can you be?

(Remain meditative 24-7 with this online course - Meditation 24*7)

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