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टेलीग्राम चैनल का लोगो englishkendra — English Group "Only Achievers"
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नवीनतम संदेश 11

2021-08-13 05:52:10 The Hindu Editorial with Vocab - 13th AUGUST

Another warning: On landslips in Himachal Pradesh

A landslip has struck again in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh killing at least 14 people and burying several others, just over a fortnight after a similar disaster killed a group of tourists. This time, the catastrophe has been even more severe, with mud, rocks and debris raining down on vehicles including a State transport corporation bus on National Highway 5. Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has said that 60 people may have been buried and multiple agencies including the ITBP, National and State Disaster Response Forces were frantically trying to rescue survivors. Himachal Pradesh, a picturesque western Himalayan State that has made progress on social developmental indices, faces rising instability from environmental factors such as climate change and heavy monsoon rainfall. Landslips have become a familiar feature, and seismic events threaten to increase their frequency and aggravate the impact. The same NH-5 was similarly blocked by falling rocks in the wake of heavy rain in August 2019, along with several other roads, and the season witnessed a significant loss of life, particularly in Kinnaur. There is considerable scientific literature now arguing that Himachal’s mountain slopes are experiencing not just seismicity and rain-induced stresses but also man-made pressures to exploit hydropower and build more roads, and are being rendered even more fragile.

Much of Himachal Pradesh is in the high risk zone for landslips, calling for great caution in pursuing disruptive projects, particularly hydropower. The Landslide Hazard Zonation Map of India marks over 70% of the State as ‘high risk’ and 14% as ‘severe’ to ‘very high risk’. The threat of earthquakes remains potent, as the mountains here are young in geological terms and therefore active, and about 32% of the State is categorised as a high damage risk zone for seismicity. A developmental model that prioritises heavily engineered structures such as dams and hydropower that involve rock blasting, tree felling and inundating large spaces clearly jeopardises the integrity of mountain slopes; roads developed along the slopes face the brunt of the impact, as the Kinnaur landslips show. In some cases, the roads themselves have been destroyed. A decade ago, the action plan on climate change published by the State identified some key hazards and wanted to take long-term remedial measures. It is time for an update, going beyond disaster management, and the recurring disasters only add to the urgency. There is wide support among local communities for sustainable tourism and an expansion of the farm-based economy, particularly apple growing. But these can progress only when environmental losses are halted. With greater rainfall and cloudburst activity, Himachal Pradesh is bound to face greater uncertainty. Maintaining the status quo can only make the ghastly episodes of falling boulders and lost lives a more frequent feature.


1. Fortnight (N)- a period of two weeks.

2. Catastrophe (N)- a great and sudden disaster or misfortune. तबाही, बरबादी

3. Severe (Adj)- (of something bad or undesirable) very great; intense. तीव्र, गंभीर

4. Frantically (Adv)- in a hurried, excited, or disorganized manner. व्यग्रतापूर्वक

5. Aggravate (V)- to make a bad situation worse. बढ़ाना, बिगाड़ना

6. In The Wake Of (Phrase)- following (someone or something), especially as a consequence.

7. Seismicity (N)- the occurrence or frequency of earthquakes in a region.

8. Potent (Adj.)- strong or powerful (शक्तिशाली या प्रभावकारी)

9. Jeopardises (V)- to put (something) at risk. जोखिम में डालना

10. Brunt (N)- the worst part or chief impact of a specified action.

11. Recur (V)- to happen again or many times

12. Boulders (N)- a very large rock. महाशिला

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1.9K views02:52
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2021-08-12 06:31:07 The Hindu Editorial with Vocab - 12 th AUGUST

Safe at school: On getting students back on campus

Almost every child got left behind for more than a year in India, as COVID-19 shuttered schools and forced pupils to study online at home, if they could. This long period of learning loss is a major setback in itself, affecting the physical and mental health of many students and depriving them of a year of vital skill development. It is understandable, therefore, that at least 14 States and Union Territories have tempered caution with calculated risk and opted to reopen campuses, mostly for secondary and higher secondary students. These governments are not alone in looking for the golden mean to manage the pandemic. In several countries, leaders are exploring ways to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection among pupils who are not yet eligible for vaccination, while getting them back on campus. At the end of the second wave, in July, Haryana and Nagaland went back to in-person teaching for higher classes, while Punjab, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Puducherry and Lakshadweep are doing so this month. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha are to follow. As schools reopen, there are positive indicators available from countries experimenting with back-to-school decisions, and red flags, in the wake of the Delta variant’s wildfire spread.

One study of a million students and staff members who returned to school this year in the United States, where children must be 12 years old to get a vaccine, showed that in spite of the resultant exposure to 7,000 COVID-19-positive children and adults, only 363 other children and adults acquired the infection. This is attributed to a universal mask mandate. In India, with a school student population of over 250 million, resumption of in-person schooling is advocated by some public health professionals based on the understanding that younger children are less at risk, as they do not have well-developed ACE-2 receptors in the lungs that enable the virus to enter. This must, of course, be considered along with the impact of the Delta variant on children who do get infected, sometimes severely, even though their numbers may be small. In Ludhiana, 20 students in two schools tested positive eight days after reopening on August 2, underscoring the need for strict protocols, testing and quarantining. Maharashtra has followed the textbook in setting up committees headed by Collectors and civic officials to decide on reopening, with optional student attendance. Such a decentralised effort is welcome, as it enables closures only in areas with high incidence. It is important to note that after 18 months of the pandemic, there is consensus on ventilation and distancing norms as low-cost interventions with efficacy next only to vaccination. In the Indian context, this should favour outdoor classes under natural or built shade, wherever possible. It is disappointing that teachers and staff have not been universally vaccinated yet, a lacuna that must be urgently filled.


1. Shutter (V)- to close down a business or activity

2. Setback (N)- an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes.

3. Deprive (V)- prevent (a person or place) from having or using something. वंचित करना

4. Red Flags (N)- a warning signal or sign.

5. Underscore (V)- to emphasize the importance something.

6. Quarantining (N)- isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

7. Ventilation (N)- public discussion or examination of an opinion, issue, or complaint.

8. Intervention (N)- the action of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse:

9. Efficacy (N)- the ability to produce a desired or intended result. प्रभावकारिता

10. Lacuna (N)- an unfilled space; a gap. कमी, अभाव, रिक्त स्थान

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2021-08-11 05:34:31 The Hindu Editorial with Vocab - 11th AUGUST

Choppy waters: On global maritime security

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the stage to address the UNSC on a debate on maritime security — the first Indian premier to do so — he might have hoped to keep the focus of the discussion on building maritime ties and developing maritime infrastructure through regional cooperation initiatives. Yet, once more the discussion veered toward major nations trading barbs on continuing strategic dissonance in this sphere. At the heart of the strident claims and counterclaims regarding allegations of abuse of maritime resources and disrespect of territorial sovereignty rights of nations were the U.S., on the one hand, and China and Russia on the other. Mr. Modi deserves credit for bringing to the table a five-prong plan to enhance maritime security worldwide through cooperation, including removing barriers to legitimate maritime trade, settling maritime disputes peacefully and based on international law, jointly facing natural disasters and maritime threats created by non-state actors, preserving maritime environment and resources, and encouraging responsible maritime connectivity. Indeed, the acceptance at the UNSC of the legislative framework for UNCLOS, the “legal framework applicable to activities in the oceans, including countering illicit activities at sea”, is seen as an important achievement during India’s month at the helm of the Council. The sustained interest of India in promoting maritime security also draws from Mr. Modi’s SAGAR vision plan aimed at strengthening economic and security connections with regional maritime nations.

If there are strategic barriers to creating momentum in achieving these goals, they are associated with specific regions of maritime tension including the South China Sea and the Black Sea. Regarding the former, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken decried the “dangerous encounters between vessels at sea and provocative actions to advance unlawful maritime claims”, rejecting “actions that intimidate and bully other states from lawfully accessing their maritime resources”. Similarly, regarding the Black Sea, the Kerch Strait, the Sea of Azov, Mr. Blinken at the UNSC debate hit out at what Washington considered “continued aggressive actions against Ukraine... which are disrupting commerce and energy access”. Although India’s presidency of the Council is brief, its sustained commitment to promoting maritime security and boosting trade through sea routes will require it to be adroit in negotiating with these squabbling powers and creative in seeking resolution of the very real conflicts at the heart of their disputes. While some may deride UNCLOS as lacking teeth for enforcement, ultimately it is the only comprehensive framework of laws available to maritime powers to assert their rights consistent with the rules-based international order. Through its UNSC presidency and beyond, New Delhi must faithfully advocate for ratification of UNCLOS by all major maritime powers, including the U.S.


1. Maritime (Adj)- connected with the sea, especially in relation to seaborne trade or naval matters. समुद्रतटवर्ती

2. Veer (V)- to change direction

3. Trading Barbs (Idiom)- insult or attack each other.

4. Dissonance (N)- lack of agreement or harmony between people or things. मतभेद

5. At The Helm (Phrase)- in charge or in the position of a leader.

6. Intimidate (V)- to frighten (someone) with threats. धमकाना, भयभीत करना

7. Adroit (Adj)- clever or skilful. चतुर, निपुण

8. Squabble (V)- to argue in a noisy way about something that is not very important (छोटी-मोटी बात पर ऊँचे स्‍वर में झगड़ा करना)

9. Deride (V)- to say that somebody/something is ridiculous; to laugh at something in a cruel way

10. Ratification (N)- making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it. विशोधन, अनुममर्थन

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1.5K views02:34
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2021-08-10 06:10:07 The Hindu Editorial with Vocab - 10th AUGUST

Code red: On IPCC's warning on climate points

The IPCC has issued arguably its strongest warning yet on impending catastrophe from unmitigated global warming caused by human activity, lending scientific credence to the argument that rising wildfires, heatwaves, extreme rainfall and floods witnessed in recent times are all strongly influenced by a changing climate. In a stark report on the physical science basis of climate change contributed for a broader Assessment Report of the UN, the IPCC’s Working Group I has called for deep cuts to carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases and a move to net zero emissions, as the world would otherwise exceed 1.5°C and 2°C of warming during the 21st century with permanent consequences. Climate change is described by many as a far greater threat to humanity than COVID-19, because of its irreversible impacts. The latest report is bound to strengthen the criticism that leaders in many countries have stonewalled and avoided moving away from coal and other fossil fuels, while even those who promised to act, failed to influence the multilateral system. The new report attributes catastrophic events to sustained global warming, particularly the frequency and intensity of hot extremes, marine heatwaves, heavy precipitation, agricultural and ecological droughts, proportion of intense tropical cyclones, reductions in Arctic Sea ice, snow cover and permafrost. A phenomenon such as heavy rainfall over land, for instance, could be 10.5% wetter in a world warmer by 1.5°C, and occur 1.5 times more often, compared to the 1850-1900 period.

More than five years after the Paris Agreement was concluded, there is no consensus on raising ambition to reduce emissions, making access to low carbon technologies easier, and adequately funding mitigation and adaptation. COVID-19 had the unexpected effect of marginally and temporarily depressing emissions. The IPCC’s analysis presents scenarios of large-scale collapse of climate systems that future leaders would find virtually impossible to manage. Heatwaves and heavy rainfall events experienced with increasing frequency and intensity are just two of these, while disruptions to the global water cycle pose a more unpredictable threat. Also, if emissions continue to rise, oceans and land, two important sinks and the latter a key part of India’s climate action plan , would be greatly weakened in their ability to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide. The new report sets the stage for the CoP26 conference in November. The only one course to adopt there is for developed countries with legacy emissions to effect deep cuts, transfer technology without strings to emerging economies and heavily fund mitigation and adaptation. Developing nations should then have no hesitation in committing themselves to steeper emissions cuts.


1. Impending (Adj)-(of an event regarded as threatening or significant) about to happen; forthcoming.

2. Stark (adj )- empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or anything that is not necessary

3. Stonewall (V)- to be uncooperative, obstructive, or evasive.

4. Permafrost (N)- an area of land that is permanently frozen below the surface.

5. Consensus (N)- a generally accepted opinion among a group of people. सर्वसम्मति, सामंजस्य

6. Mitigation (N)- reduction, alleviation, lessening, weakening, decrease. कम करना

7. Disruptions (N)- disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process. अवरोधों

8. Hesitation (N)- the action of pausing before saying or doing something. हिचकिचाहट, झिझक

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1.6K views03:10
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2021-08-09 07:28:18 10. Forecast (V)- a calculation or estimate of future events, especially coming weather or a financial trend. पूर्वानुमान

11. Belies (V)- to represent something falsely or to hide something.

12. Bite The Bullet (Phrase)- decide to do something difficult or unpleasant that one has been putting off or hesitating over. मजबूरी में स्वीकार करना

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