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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exam || 22.02.21 ═ | Daily English Quiz™

The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exam || 22.02.21

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1. DISCONTENT (VERB): (असंतोष): dissatisfaction
Synonyms: disaffection, grievances
Antonyms: contentment
Example Sentence:Voters voiced discontent with both parties.

2. ABRASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (काटू): caustic
Synonyms: cutting, grating
Antonyms: kind
Example Sentence:Her abrasive and arrogant personal style won her few friends.

3. EUPHEMISM (NOUN): (प्रेयोक्ति): substitute
Synonyms: understatement, underplaying
Antonyms: dysphemism
Example Sentence:The jargon has given us ‘downsizing’ as a euphemism for cuts.

4. HEDONISTIC (ADJECTIVE): (सुखवादी): self-indulgent
Synonyms: indulgent, pleasure-seeking
Antonyms: ascetic
Example Sentence:He accepted bodily without farther questioning the hedonistic psychology.

5. EPITOMIZE (VERB): (संक्षिप्त करना): summarize
Synonyms: abstract, precis
Antonyms: elaborate
Example Sentence:For the benefit of our readers, we will epitomize the pamphlet.

6. SIDESTEP (VERB): (बचना): avoid
Synonyms: evade, dodge
Antonyms: tackle
Example Sentence:He neatly sidestepped the questions about riots.

7. DOGMA (NOUN): (शिक्षण): teaching
Synonyms: belief, conviction
Antonyms: doubt
Example Sentence:In place of dogma, the elements of religion were alone to be taught.

8. JEOPARDIZE (VERB): (जोखिम में डालना): threaten
Synonyms: endanger, imperil
Antonyms: safeguard
Example Sentence:He said that the deportations could jeopardize international negotiations.

9. PANDEMONIUM (NOUN): (हंगामा): bedlam
Synonyms: chaos, mayhem
Antonyms: silence
Example Sentence:There was complete pandemonium here.

10. ASSUAGE (VERB): (राहत देना): relieve
Synonyms: ease, alleviate
Antonyms: Aggravate
Example Sentence:The letter assuaged the fears of most members

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