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Coding for Beginners 1: You Can Learn to Code! What is Coding | Cyberstockofficial

Coding for Beginners 1: You Can Learn to Code!

What is Coding?
--> “Coding” is a commonly used term for computer programming. Some people use it interchangeably with programming, while others would argue they are not entirely the same.
By definition, “Code” refers to a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do. Computers don’t understand human language, so over time, humans have created languages that computers can understand. And developers speak to them through those languages.
--> Examples: coding languages include HTML, GitHub Markdown, CSS, JavaScript, and Python, among many others.
--> When you learn how to code, you’ll be able to write instructions for computers to follow. This lets you make websites, applications, and software, and do some other cool stuff.


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