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ACING ACADEMY Exclusive Newspaper Squeeze Oct 6 Mains Answer | ACING UPSC and STATE PCS

ACING ACADEMY Exclusive Newspaper Squeeze Oct 6

Mains Answer Writing Questions For Today [ Post Answers in Comments ]

1: “Has the Governor been acting more of an ‘agent of the centre’ rather than being the ‘constitutional head of state’.” Analyse in the light of recent controversies involving the post of Governor in India. (250 words) GS 2 ( Polity and Governance)

2: Do you think that Urban flooding which is being witnessed in metropolitan cities across the nation is a man-made disaster? Critically analyse.. (150 words) GS 3 (Disaster Management)

3: Should Scheduled Caste Status to be Religion Neutral ? Examine in view of History of Reservation status granted to depived castes (250 Words) GS 1 (Indian Society )

4: The caves of ancient and medieval ages give us a glance of different art and architectural styles of different periods and religions. Elaborate. (150 words) GS 1 (Art and Culture )