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ACING ACADEMY Exclusive Newspaper Squeeze Oct 5 Mains Answer | ACING UPSC and STATE PCS

ACING ACADEMY Exclusive Newspaper Squeeze Oct 5

Mains Answer Writing Questions For Today [ Post Answers in Comments ]

1: What is meant by the model code of conduct (MCC) during elections? Do you think that MCC needs to be included under the statue for its uniform and effective implementation? Critically analyse..(250 words)

2: The process of burning farm residue is one of the major issues in parts of north India,Examine the Impact and Measures taken to Handle it. (150 words)

3: What is Quantum Technology ? What are the various applications of Quantum Technology? Evaluate the steps taken to promote Quantum technology in India.. (250 Words)

4: Discuss the importance of capacity building in civil services while highlighting the features of Mission Karma yogi (150 words)