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Indus Valley Civilization (2900 – 1700 BC) #GKbyMilitaryChoice | Military Choice

Indus Valley Civilization (2900 – 1700 BC)
#GKbyMilitaryChoice @militarychoiceblog

Indus valley civilization is older than chalcolithic culture but was far more developed
Marked the beginning of Bronze age civilization

Developments in Indus Valley Civilisation

Citadel / Acropolis at cities for member of ruling class (west side) & brick houses below citadel in town for commoners

Remarkable grid system of roads  Roads cutting at right angle to each other

Large scale use of burnt bricks & total absence of stone buildings

Remarkable underground drainage system connecting all houses & streets covered by bricks / stone slabs

Agriculture technology was well developed (But no use of ploughshare) : Wheat, Rice, Barley, Peas etc. + Domesticated large scale of animals

Cotton was 1st produced by Indus people hence Greeks called it Sindon which is derived from Sindh

Harappan were 1st to produce silver in the world + wore gold, silver & beads Jewellery

Practiced boat making, seal making, Bronze smith, Weavers etc.

Granaries & seals show Harappan carried on considerable trade but only through Barter system

No temples has been found at any of the site hence can be said that it was ruled by merchants not priests

Worshiped Goddess Earth, Pipal Tree, Pashupati Mahadeva & Animals (Bull / Unicorn Rhino)

1st to invent the art of writing – Right to left – (Pictographic only  Not deciphered so far)

Used weights for trade (Mostly in multiple of 16) & Bronze made marked sticks for measurements

Were expert in Potter’s wheel & pottery making

Their greatest artistic creation was ” Seals”

Mostly limestone was used for sculptures.

Theory of Decline of Indus Valley Civilization

Natural Calamities such as floods, Earthquakes etc.

Outbreak of an epidemic

Decline of trade & Invasion of Aryansported in Ashoka’s times from Persia. There is abundant evidence of stone masons mark similar to those at Persepolis (Persia).

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