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'Contemplate' Phrasal Verbs: 1. Mull over: to think about car | English Speaking Course

'Contemplate' Phrasal Verbs:

1. Mull over: to think about carefully; consider
E.g. A group of friends gathers to mull over what to do with a day off.

2. Brood over: to ponder morbidly or persistently
E.g. I know you're upset about failing your exam, but don't brood over it all weekend.

3. Meditate on: think deeply about (something)
E.g. He went off to meditate on the new idea.

4. Muse over: to consider something thoughtfully
E.g. We were just now musing over Sarah and the way she has changed.

5. Aspire to: direct one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something.
E.g. We never thought that we might aspire to those heights.

6. Chew over: to think about or discuss something carefully for a long time
E.g. I've been chewing the problem over since last week.